Casting Continues…

Victor attended a casting session on Thurs as I had a prior commitment. Some great readings from the actors and it looks like we may have one of our leads…

We’re pretty excited. Stay tuned. We have more sessions this week. Plus, more project announcements!


Location Scouting

We scouted locations on Friday. Some good leads and possibilities in suburbia LA. We’re hopeful one of the locations will pan out.

In the process of bringing on a location scout to help us secure our film locations. Know anyone in the LA area?

– KY

casting kickoff

actorsActors are amazing. All these words you slaved over,  edited, finessed and second-guessed suddenly come to life and — damn if it’s never how you pictured it!

It’s better! WAY better, and more engaging and I swear to God I’m always bummed when the scene ends! Seriously. I honestly want to know what happened next. But then the actor looks at me and I realize I was just watching an audition.

What a great lineup yesterday…our casting directors are impressing the hell out of us and I can’t wait for more. We’re getting great feedback on script reads and have lines on several very interesting names. More meetings/reads on Friday…


And…we’re off!

post11Finally! Keeping things semi under wraps about the Darkening Sky project has been a bit maddening, but now we’re out of the closet and out into the world. And not a moment too soon; we shoot in August(!).

While researching Darkening Sky I went to Laughlin, NV for the UFO Conference and sat in on an experiencer meeting. It was amazing. I’m really looking forward to hearing from people who have experienced UFO or alien phenomena firsthand in our Testimonials section (coming soon — check back often or send us your email address for updates on this and other news as it develops).

That’s all for now…off to do thing number gazillion and three plus prep for a day of meetings with our casting directors tomorrow (and whoever they have lined up for us). I’ll report back on how things went.